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Saga Castle History Museum


Saga Castle History Museum offers an easy-to-understand introduction of Saga’s attractiveness and energy during the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate, a time in history which paved the way for Japan’s modernization. Also, working together with residents of the prefecture, this museum is the base for nurturing people to take responsibility for Saga in the 21st century.
 Saga Castle History Museum is a faithful reconstruction of a part of Saga Castle’s honmaru (main keep), which existed at this site during the end of Edo Period. It boasts a status as one of the largest wooden reconstructions in Japan.
 The building is surrounded by historic scenes such as a tenshudai, moat, and Shachi no Mon, or Killer Whale Gate, which is a designated Important Cultural Property of Japan. You are assured to feel as though you have stepped back in time here at Saga Castle History Museum.


Name Saga Castle History Museum
Address 2-18-1 Jounai, Saga-city, Saga
Phone +81-952-41-7550
Website http://www.saga-tripgenius.com/tourism_search/saga-castle-history-museum.html

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