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Yoshinogari Historical Park


The Yoshinogari Ruins is Japan’s largest dry moat-surrounded settlement of the Yayoi era, boasting a 2.5 km long dry moat, stretching over Kanzaki and Yoshinogari.
 From the Yoshinogari Ruins, many remains have been discovered, including a number of dwelling sites, remains of raised storehouses, over three thousand Kamekambo tombs, and Funkyubo, or the tumulus known as the graves of the Imperial Family, in the middle of the Yayoi Era. The tumulus had many bronze swords requiring advanced technology and glass cylindrical beads, indicating the interaction with the Asian continent.
When the Yoshinogari Ruins first opened to the public in 1989, it became a major topic of the year as the tumulus was reminiscent of the Yamatai Koku Kingdom described in the Gishi Wajin Den, an ancient Chinese account of Japan.The Yoshinogari Ruins are considered precious as they offer traces of history when a village that adopted the culture of rice making through the Korean Peninsula made a development to become the nation’s nucleated settlement. There are watch towers and pit dwellings in a restored condition, creating the ancient atmosphere of the Yayoi Era, while the exhibition room displays a collection of unearthed articles.


Name Yoshinogari Historical Park
Address 1843, Tade, Yoshinogari, Kanzaki-gun, Saga
Phone +81-952-55-9333
Website http://www.saga-tripgenius.com/tourism_search/yoshinogari-historical-park.html

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